Eee Note EA-800 USA Release Thread - Tablet PC Forums, Discussion and Support So, what are people thinking of doing? Ordering from Taiwan? Waiting to see if there's a new device on the horizon? I don't want anything smaller than the current Eee Note, so a 6" screen won't cut it for me. I can see why people would want it for reading
Eee Note EA-800 USA Release Thread - Page 2 Alright, Rain, you've convinced me! I didn't see any *great* prices on eBay, but one of the lowest selling has a "make an offer" button, so ... I haven't found a price I like yet, so I can't comment on the reader itself. But I can say that a few years ago
Eee Family - Eee Note EA800 - ASUS - ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- Eee Note EA800 支援 Online Chat 所有規格隨時可能變動,屆時恕不另行通知。請聯絡供應商以取得特定機型的確切規格。這款產品未必會在所有市場上推出 ...
ASUS Eee Note EA-800 - AnandTech Forums ASUS Eee Note EA-800 User Name Remember Me? Password Register FAQ Calendar Mark Forums Read ... This is not a run in the mill android tablet. Its basically a Digital Notepad. This product runs Linux, not android. And it does have a microSD expansion ...
Some questions before buying a Eee Note EA800 - Tablet PC Forums ... Hello, I plan to buy an Asus Eee Note EA800 tablet, but there are many things that i would like to know. I like to draw, and this tablet seems perfect. ... Tablets · Asus (Android); Some questions before buying a Eee Note EA800 ...
questions about Asus Eee Note EA800 - Tablet PC Forums, Discussion ... The Asus website (ASUS Eee Note EA800) lists the device dimensions as 139 x 222.4 x 11 mm (5.47 x 8.75 x 0.43 inches), and the display as ...
Asus EEE Note EA800 For Sale UPDATE: Now selling on ebay: here Selling good condition Asus Eee Note EA800. English interface. Comes with original box, 2 original ...
PCM - 產品評測- 讀物Asus Eee Note EA-800 2010年12月13日 - 就在這個時候,Asus向外發布8吋的Eee Note,為eBook Reader市場新貫注新 ... 名廠和山寨Tablet競爭愈來愈白熱化,讓不少用家也將焦點投放在Android ... Asus Eee Note EA-800採用深藍色的鋁金屬外殼,機背殼表面設有像髮絲 ...
Eee Note EA-800 : Beyond Reader -- The Perfect blend of ... Introducing the ASUS Eee Note EA-800, a tablet device perfect for the office or classroom. Write or draw on ... Customer Reviews: Asus EEE Note EA800 Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Asus EEE Note EA800 at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.